Tuesday, November 18, 2008

23 Things ...That's a wrap!

Started late and finished on time...always a good thing.

Some final thoughts.....

Overall, a good program. It gave me a much needed push to go in and start using a couple of things that I have wanted to do, like Flickr and On-line productivity tools. Both have become part of my daily on-line life. So has Twitter, but it will be interesting to see if that holds up over time.

Other things that are good and useful: The on-line image generator was tons of fun and can see doing more with those in conjunction with stuff for Lauren. It was good to rediscover RSS feeds. I now have four of them but need to develop a habit of checking them daily. Pod and vodcasts are also useful and have a place in my daily routine but again, not there just yet. Since the new president is going to start with weekly vodcasts, maybe that will be the push to get me to using them more often.

The only bad element of the 23 Things was the confirmation of my dislike of YouTube. I suppose its possible if you set it up for your interests it might be OK but for just browsing the site, there is too much BS, violence and sex that comes to the top. Does that really contribute to making our world a better place?

I'm indifferent to some of the utilities we looked at , like LibraryThing and del.icio.us. I can see their worth, it that's your thing. It was good to have to look at them, to learn what they are all about and understand their place in the web 2.0 world.

In regards as this being a way to help our patrons, we don't see too much of this where I work. YouTube is popular but people don't ask for help. I rarely see anything else that would be considered web 2.0 here. Not saying its not there, just don't see it.

Thanks for the opportunity to learn these things, its been a good six weeks.

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